Financial Planning at Taylor Retirement Services, Inc

Income Planning

Thanks to new prescription drugs and medical technology, people are living longer than ever before. However, one drawback to a longer life is the greater possibility of outliving your savings – creating all the more reason to start income planning. A significant investment loss in the years just prior to and/or just after you retire can have a devastating impact on the level of income you receive over the course of your life. In fact, the earlier a loss occurs, the greater the chance of depleting your retirement savings. As a financial planning company, we help you design an income plan incorporating insurance and investment vehicles to create opportunities for long-term growth as well as guarantee income throughout your retirement.


Wealth Accumulation

Time doesn’t stand still, and neither does money. That’s why you can use time to your advantage when investing for wealth accumulation. The longer you invest, the more time your money has to compound interest. If your portfolio has not fully recovered from losses in recent years, you may wish to consider a more aggressive allocation to make up for lost ground and get back on track to accumulating wealth. However, given recent lessons learned in stock market investing, it is important to remember that more conservative retirement plans typically have only a portion of the assets invested in the stock market. Other allocations should be set aside for more conservative investments and/or secured income contracts. After all, the last thing you want to do is lose wealth during the next market correction.


If you are seeking a professional financial consultant, contact Taylor Retirement Services, Inc in Harrisburg, PA today and let us assist you with all of your financial and retirement planning needs.



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